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Print Print PDF By Jacob Morris Jacob Morris One of the phrases I despise the most is “you have too much time on your hands”. It’s something I’ve…

By Liz Greene There are four of us in my group of closest friends. We’ve been together for 17 years, seen ups and downs, breakups and makeups, and…

Print Print PDF By Rebecca DiFilippo, Publisher, Moods Magazine I recently had the pleasure of attending a remarkable presentation at a local elementary school, which was given by…

Print Print PDF By Barak Raz, MA (C) OACCPP You want to sleep, but you can’t. Thoughts are racing through your mind and are preventing you from relaxing….

By Rose Cora Perry I was 15 when we became acquainted: that is depression and I.Our relationship wasn’t entirely out of nowhere though. In fact, it was a…

Print Print PDF By Lewis Baker It’s 4:30 a.m. I am woken up with cold sweats. My whole body is shaking. The anxiety in my chest is strangling…

Print Print PDF By Jeff Hardy Today I am lucky. I get to share what saved me. I get to share what has saved me in more ways…

Print Print PDF By Mark Leonard Mental health isn’t something we have or we haven’t got, we all have our breaking point and the pressures of modern life…

Print Print PDF In our current issue of Moods magazine, we feature former NHL goalie Clint Malarchuk. Born and raised in Alberta, Malarchuk is legendary for one of…

Print Print PDF As the editor of Moods magazine, I often try to look at various topics that may cover uncommon or atypical aspects of mental health. Sometimes…