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Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit Review: Pros, Cons, and How to Use It

Passing a drug test is amongst the most common dilemmas facing a great deal of people today. Most might want to find some way through which they would not fail the test, either for a job or for school. Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit happens to be the solution. The product promises high effectiveness for the users in passing any urine drug test by providing a synthetic urine that is apparently indistinguishable from the real thing.

How to Choose the Best Synthetic Urine Products?

Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit introduces convenience and discretion in passing the urine test with universally sized belts containing synthetic urine for access upon situations when such a test may be administered to them. For anyone who may not know this product, it probably just sounds a little bit out of the ordinary. However, such a solution has stood to be quite a popular one amongst the people trying to get themselves around something concerning drug testing.

In this article, we go into great detail about the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit-from design and functionality down to real user reviews of the product. If you are considering using it or simply want to know more, then read on!

Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit Description

The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is probably one of the most urgent needs being catered to by most people intending to pass a urine drug test. For $59.95, one gets a universally fitted belt containing 4 oz. of Quick Fix 6.3 synthetic urine-a solution just as good as human urine in properties. That would mean it is designed to have the same chemical makeup, color, and temperature as natural urine to make it impossible for any testing authorities to discern that it is not real.

Perhaps the most striking feature of the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is the way it is designed. An adjustable belt fitting a wide range of waist sizes makes it easy to wear for varying people and therefore can be made more comfortable and at the same time reliable, even under clothes and discreet in case one needs such an environment, or under privacy and control.

It also has a functional urine drip and a white clip so that the user can let the synthetic urine out in a controlled and natural manner. This means the urine will flow at the right speed and in the correct manner, just like real urine would. The clip controls the releasing of the synthetic urine to give full control to the person wearing the kit on when to release and how much.

On the manufacturer’s note, Quick Fix has earned a good deal of reputation in the market for its quality synthetic urine products. It is well-acknowledged about its kits, which are both reliable and easy to use, thereby guaranteeing individuals a sure way out with regard to passing urine drug tests. The Quick Fix 6.3 formula is specifically made with the expectation of the testers in mind to ensure the synthetic urine is as realistic as it is effective.

While this product may provide some sort of solution to passing a drug test, one has to consider the explicitness of a warning the producer puts up: Do not ingest. It is meant for use from the outside, and thus it is not safe for consumption by a human body.

Ingredients and Their Purpose of Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit

The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit includes lab-synthesized urine carefully and objectively formulated to resemble human urine. Let’s take a closer look at what’s in the Quick Fix 6.3 formula and why each component is important in making the synthetic urine appear and act like real urine.


Water is the major composition of synthetic urine and forms the base of the solution. About 95% of real urine is water, hence this is the most important component in making the synthetic urine appear like real urine. The water also serves to dilute the other chemicals and presents the urine at the right concentration.


Urea is the waste product in urine produced by the liver and cleared out through the action of the kidneys. It is one of the major components found in human urine. Urea promotes the nitrogen balance within the body, while in synthetic urine, it contributes to the authenticity of the solution. It assures proper chemical makeup of the urine, which can help it pass through testing.


It is a waste product generated in muscles that can typically be found in urine. The inclusion of creatinine in synthetic urine is vital because it serves as the source from which labs trace a sample of urine. A urine sample that does not contain creatinine may arouse suspicion of being artificial or tampered with. Adding this into the Quick Fix formula will make sure it meets the testing criteria.

Sodium Chloride

Sodium chloride, or common table salt, is utilized to represent the chemical balance of real urine within this artificial sample. It takes part in maintaining proper salinity within the urine and plays a role in regulating pH. If a natural urine sample were compared, the amount of sodium chloride contained within would vary with diet; thus, the addition of this to the synthesized urine increases the believability factor for the laboratory testers.

Other Compounds

It may contain other compounds to give the right pH balance, maintaining the right temperature, and making it more realistic. It may also contain substances in Quick Fix like potassium and phosphate to achieve approximately the same chemical composition of urine.

These were combined with great care in terms of selection and subsequent combinations to arrive at synthetic urine that acted and looked just like its natural counterpart. Each ingredient in Quick Fix helps the synthetic urine pass testing protocols and assures success for situations one may be faced with.

How to Use the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit?

Using the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is pretty straightforward; however, it is very important to follow the instructions to the letter so that synthetic urine is used correctly and effectively. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to use the product:

Prepare the Belt

First, one has to prepare the belt. The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit comes with a universally fitted belt already pre-filled with 4 oz. of Quick Fix 6.3 synthetic urine. Before wearing the belt, make sure to wear it in such a manner that it feels comfortable and snugly fits around the waist. Fit the belt to size that feels like a nice fit without being overly binding.

Heat the Urine

Synthetic Urine should be at the proper temperature range in order to pass a drug test. Real urine is usually at body temperature; it is about 98.6°F or 37°C. The heating pad usually comes along with most kits in order to provide this. You may be able to warm your urine up by tucking it under your belt and letting your body heat take the urine to the right temperature.

Check the Temperature Using the Temperature Strip

Temperature strips will determine if the urine is at the appropriate temperature. In case it is close enough, one would like it not to be cold or too hot. In case that happens, it will raise too much suspicion.

Wearing the Belt

When the urine temperature gets about right, wear the belt. You have to place it on your waist, beneath your clothes, as close as possible to your body, in such a manner that its temperature is maintained. The belt needs to be unobtrusive under your garments for one does not want to raise any suspicion if he or she is getting tested.

Let the Urine Out

The white clip on the kit controls the flow of synthetic urine. When you are ready to let the urine out, you simply open the flow using the clip to allow the synthetic urine to drop into the collection container. The drip of the urine is designed to take on a natural flow of urine one would normally take in a real test. You regulate just how much you let out to avoid spillage or too much unnecessary exposure.

Discard the Belt

Once the test is complete, the belt can be removed and either thrown away or, if serviceable, cleaned for use another time. Be certain to follow the manufacturer’s directions on how to clean and store the product, if at all.

Important Tips to Succeed:

  • Be discreet: While the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is designed to be worn under your clothes, don’t be overly obvious wearing it.
  • Give the belt a trial run: If at all possible, give the product a trial run in private before the actual test so that you will know how it works and feel comfortable with the function of the product.
  • Keep in mind that the artificial urine is not safe to be ingested: Always follow safety guidelines and use the product for what it is intended.

If you manage to follow these steps and take your time with your preparations, you will have a head start toward being successful using the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit to pass a drug test.

Pros and Cons of Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit

The best way to figure out how the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit really works is through genuine customer experiences. The more one knows about the product’s pros and cons, the easier it becomes to weigh up options. Here are the most important things found in reviews left by people who have used this kit.

Pros of Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit

  • Looks Realistic and More Authentic: One of the biggest selling points of this product, according to customers, was the realistic look and behavior of the synthetically prepared urine. According to users, Quick Fix 6.3 formula has almost the same color and consistency as real urine. This, in their opinion, is quite an important point. Therefore, they are extremely confident while taking the test.
  • Easy to Use: Many people have mentioned that using the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is relatively easy. The belt sits well and feels comfortable, with a simple approach to the heating and release mechanism of the synthetic urine. The instructions provided along with it are clear, so the whole product is pretty user-friendly for the customers—especially for those who are going to use it for the first time.
  • Discreet Design: The discreet design and comfortability wearing it under clothes are one of the things that was well-liked in this system. One customer said he appreciated that this product is adjustable since this would allow it to suit any waist size without it getting bulky or noticeable. It has turned out to be the best option for those intended for a urine test either in a private or supervised environment.
  • Reliable Temperature Control: Several customers mention that the temperature control is one of the key qualities of the kit. They like that this kit comes with a heating pad to keep the synthetic urine at the right temperature. This is a very crucial factor in beating any kind of drug test. Keeping the urine at your natural body temperature will prevent it from being recognized as fake by laboratory testers.

Cons of Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit

  • Difficult to Adjust Belt: A few customers reported difficulty adjusting the belt to their correct size, especially if they had an exceptionally large or small waist. It is claimed to be universally sized, but according to certain customers, it may be uncomfortable or tricky to adjust to the best fitting, especially when worn for extended periods.
  • Price: The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is somewhat pricey compared to other synthetic urine present in the market, which prices at $59.95. Thereby, users feel that it is a bit too expensive to be used once. On the other side, there are also users who state that it is worth paying for neither more nor less than what one pays for a good and reliable product.
  • Limited Shelf Life: Some customers reported that one disadvantage of this product is the limited shelf life of the synthetic urine. Though it was designed for single use, the product expires if not stored correctly. This could be one disadvantage in a situation where you need to store it for a longer period since the urine may not be effective after its date of expiration.
  • Unclear Instructions: The instructions for use were somewhat unclear, especially the heating of the synthetic urine to the right temperature. Though most people did not experience any problems regarding this, some did say that more detail would have smoothed out the process.

The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is a superior quality product targeting individuals in need of synthetic urine to help them pass their drug tests with desirable qualities such as realistic appearance, ease of use, and reliable temperature control. At the same time, the product is not devoid of its own disadvantages-which include challenges with adjusting the belt, its cost, and shelf life. These pros and cons should enable you to make up your mind on whether the product is the one you are looking for.

Q&A Section about Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit

Below are answers to some common questions asked regarding the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit, based on customer inquiries and general concerns. The questions address the legality of this product, how it works, and important information useful to you in deciding whether it is the product for you.

Is Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit legal to use?

Taking this product is legal or illegal based on which region you reside in. In most areas, the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit can be bought and legally used provided that it is not employed for illegal means. However, use of synthetic urine to be able to pass various tests may be banned in your workplace, school, or other institutions. Always make sure you check your local laws and regulations before using this product in a formal or professional context.

How long does the synthetic pee stay warm?

The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit comes with a heating pad that should maintain the temperature of the synthetic urine appropriately. In ideal conditions, the temperature of the urine could last for several hours; it would, of course, be dependent on the ambient temperature and length of time the belt is worn. It does come with a temperature strip to see if the temperature remains in the correct range near regular body temperature, which should be about 98.6°F or 37°C. To hold heat the best, the belt needs to be worn beneath your clothes and the heating pad in the right position.

Will the Kit work for a supervised drug test?

Yes, the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is discreet enough to pass a supervised drug test. It can be concealed under clothes without too much fuss, and the synthetic urine inside the belt will be as close as possible to urine both in appearance and chemical composition. However, it will certainly be a bit tough in highly supervised tests or those where extra precautions are taken, like monitoring the subject who will provide the sample. Subtlety in the use of the product may, therefore, be required, especially in the way one puts it on or hides from view.

What if the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit sample fails the test?

The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is designed to help one pass a drug test, but you can never eliminate some degree of failure if the sample is compromised. Many reasons could impede your progress, like the temperature of the urine, how you will use the belt, or the kind of test one takes. If that is your biggest concern, well, try practicing in the secrecy of your room to make sure everything goes just fine. Follow the instructions very closely and ensure the urine is well heated for positive results.

Can I reuse the belt or the synthetic urine?

The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is made for one-time use. Well, once the synthetic urine has been given out during the test, its use should not be encouraged. However, the belt itself can often be cleaned and later reused with new synthetic urine if needed. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and maintenance so that the belt can be used at a later time.


In summary, the Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is a convenient option for those in such pressing situations requiring artificial urine to get themselves out of a drug test. Realistic in structure, easy to manipulate, and sure about maintaining temperature-the product is definitely peerless in the market. It will be of specific use to those people who need discreet and convenient ways to provide a urine sample that looks like the real thing both in structure and appearance.

Customer reviews generally state that, when going through a drug test, it is believed to be very effective and legitimate among consumers. For many, this is the best choice because it does have synthetic urine that appears realistic, is comfortable, and private. Of course, like any product, it has its downsides. For a single user, it might be very expensive, and the adjustable belt sometimes will be quite tricky to manage for some people because of waist size. Shelf life and being able to handle it carefully through the whole process will be another issue.

The Quick Fix Urine Pro Belt Kit is a very helpful gadget if you need synthetic urine and provide such persons with a good quality, easy, and reliable alternative. Preparing ahead of time for a drug test or simply wanting a safe and discreet solution-this may be your go-to product that helps in that regard.